Friday, 27 January 2017

First 1 & 7 rerouted from 26th Feb

First have revealed the details of changes to their Southampton routes from 26th February. See the details here.

There are generally minor timing changes affecting all routes other than the 8, but there are a couple of routing changes too:

The 1 (City Centre-Adanac Park) will use Olive Road instead of Aldermoor Avenue.

The 7 (City Centre-Townhill Park) will run the other way round the terminus loop in Midanbury and Townhill Park, which could backfire as those who forget to use the stops on the other side of the road can still get Bluestar 16 into town from the stops the 7 uses currently:

All of the new timetables are already on Traveline.

Further to the mention in the previous post about the Wiltshire Day Rover ticket, here's a summary of how you can get from Southampton to Oxford by bus for £8.50:
It's a long slog and not possible to get there and back same day from Southampton, but you could get the bus one way and then a cheap advance ticket on National Express, Megabus or Cross Country Trains to get back.


  1. First really are numpties!All the bus shelters will be on the other side still for Bluestar 16 passengers ,while anyone wanting the 7 will get drenched ,when there`s heavy rain,as I can`t see the council paying for loads more shelters.Doh!

  2. Bluestar will be grateful as the 17 will gain all the passengers from Aldermoor Avenue. Cant see First's 1 surviving the next review !

    1. I think that's the dilemma facing first, the 17 has already got those passengers, so they are forced into yet another desperate corner. Wait til every trip on the 17 also goes to Adanac, and that really will be the end of the one route! First are a completely spent force in Southampton IMHO.

    2. Another desperate corner? The reason they give is that they are rerouting is due to the fact they have trouble getting their buses down the current route due to poorly parked cars. It should also be mentioned that the 1 is the only bus which serves the Maybush Estate (and will continue to do so, despite the small route change).

      If the situation was so desperate don't you think they would just withdraw the route now? As for your comment about 'Wait till every trip on the 17 goes to Adanac' I'm looking at the current 17 timetable and nowhere on it does it mention going to Adanac.....

      I presume you are one of the conspiracy people always stating First are going to major timetable changes/looking for a way out. I've no idea why you think that (especially with the amount of investment First have put in over the last few years), or why you seem to have such Bluestar-tinted glasses. Both companies do a number of things very well, both also have some problems. Nobody's perfect.

  3. I can see their point about diverting route 1 down Olive Road. The north end of Palm Road can be a nightmare, with cars parked either side from it's junction with Olive Road and Aldermoor Avenue. You quite often see a first bus sat at the junction at Olive Road, waiting for the other bus to pass down Palm Road.

    Not that Olive Road is that much better, believe me. Living in , and working from, my home in Olive Road, I often have to park in different spots - never the same twice.

    And it's all down to the lack of parking for staff at the General Hospital. Permit parking on Olive Road, stops just before Palm Road (nuts, I know), and so after that point, it's a free for all. Case in point this morning - just as I was leaving to take my son to school, someone drives into the spot I was in, as I was pulling out!!

    Until the parking at the hospital is sorted out, which is going to be for a couple more years yet I believe, it will be a while before the 1 could be diverted back to Aldermoor Avenue.

  4. I agree the change to the 1 route is sensible given the chronic parking problems.

    I'm puzzled by the change to the 7 routing in Townhill though; what is the problem they are trying to solve?

  5. Presumably. The new routing avoids the queues up Townhill Way to the Big Cheese in the morning?

  6. Out of area but interesting to see the non stop march of GSC with today's announcement of buying the Thames down business.
