Friday, 23 November 2012

All change for Chandlers Ford this weekend

Tomorrow, Saturday 24th November, is the last full running day of Velvet C1 and C2. Running for free for one day only on Saturday is Xelabus X7 between Eastleigh and Fryern Hill. From Monday, the whole C1/C2 daytime route is split between the X7 and Xelabus C3/C4 between Chandlers Ford and Hiltingbury. As a summary then, we're going from this:


to this:

 Only Sundays stay the same.


  1. I see that Xelabus have improved the C3/C4 timetable information on their website. It now shows which journeys turn into X7 at Waitrose, with arrival/departure times at Eastleigh. It doesn't mention additional connections which appear to be possible at times when the X7 is running half-hourly - but maybe a connection time of 4 or 5 minutes is thought to be too risky.

    1. It's not a good advert for deregulation and privatisation !

  2. Credit where it's due - the C3/C4 timetable now on line does at least offer an acceptable service from Hiltingbury to Eastleigh. It's just a tad unforunate that the C3 and C4 aren't the other way round, as anyone from Merdon Avenue has to go a very long way round to get to Eastleigh, passing Chandlers Ford ststion twice in the process.

    1. Perhaps Xelabus are hoping that
      the residents of Merdon Ave will
      get off at Chandlers Ford station
      and catch the train to Eastleigh!

      After all the train should be much faster
      than the 44 + mins Xelabus takes to get
      there !!!

    2. The train also starts earlier and finishes much later but is only hourly.

      Judging by am peak loadings on the train with many passengers travelling beyond Eastleigh this must have made an impact on bus loadings from C Ford

    3. Perhaps it would make best sense if the bus service in the area were timed to connect with train services in that case?

  3. I spoke with Xelabus and they tell me the X7 is the main service and C3/C4 is designed by HCC. I don't think anyone should criticise Xela. At least the buses they are running are low floor and very clean... much better than Velvets offerings.

  4. News from Lib-Dem 'Focus' about new routes in May. Still no definite word about catering for those of us who live near the north end of Hiltingbury Rd., and unable to walk to Ashdown, Merdon and Winchester roads. Lets have a bus which stops at Kingsway Shops which would cater for students, O.A.P.s, etc. Provide a bus and we'll use it !
