We have a correction to make regarding Brijan Tours route 17. Back in the October cuts, we reported that it was being cut from 4 journeys a day to just 2 but would remain at 6 days a week. Brijan's website confirmed this at the time, but we now know this is not the case. The 17 now only runs two days a week: Wednesdays and Saturdays. This means it has been absolutely slashed from 24 return journeys a week down to just 4. We find it disgraceful that Hampshire County Council, who set the route and timetables on that route, did not advise of the change at all on their website; and that Brijan Tours published the following incorrect timetable on their website and then corrected it very quietly, hoping no-one had noticed their mistake:

The red corrections are mine and Brijan have since published the correct timetable on their website.
HCC also mucked Brijan around with the new 15 service that replaced the Hedge End - Hamble bit of the then (long) First 26. They gave them one timetable (which Brijan published) & then HCC changed it. But to credit Brijan they actually emailed me the replacement before HCC had gone public on the new number. Originally HCC wanted Brijan to run their bit as a 26 too. Now that would have been confusing at Sainsbury's with 26's coming in/out & shaking it all about in differing colours/creeds etc! It wasn't until comments were made to HCC, that anything happened. Furthermore HCC had let people believe that the two sections of the route would be connecting up! Hmm... have a look at the timetables!!